Last November, our Curator, Dp Patterson hosted a meeting with Jeremy Sweeting, Chief Councilor for the Hope Town District and Mike Niemi, a long time winter resident in Man-O-War. The topic of discussion was in regard to a new boat building monument being planned for the settlement of Man-O-War Cay. In further discussions, Mike Niemi, a retired IBM Computer Technology developer and analyst, presented the Museum Board with a proposal to consider participating in a new website called the Abaco Heritage Trust.
The Museum Board has partnered with Mike Niemi and the Man-O-War Heritage Trust Board, along with Lance Lee of www.scholarshipwrights.org. The goal is to document and share the “heritage web” between photos and documents from the Abaco area. It should be noted that the AHT doesn’t own anything. Ownership remains with the donors. The core goal is to enable annotation and curation by (registered) Users via the web and tablet based apps. The Museum wishes to thank Mike Niemi who has volunteered many hours upstairs in our archives scanning over 1,000 pictures and documents. These have been backed up to an external hard-drive and are stored the Museums fire safe. Mr. Niemi has also donated a brand new slide scanner. A grant has been written to seek funds for a Museum Curator and tablets for use by local students.